I am an American/EU citizen working for an American company in Belgium. What are the rules regarding length of employment, for example, permitted length of time here? I only have a Limosa declaration but no work visa which I assume I do not need as an EU citizen. I had heard that there was a 3-6 month limit imposed by the IRS after which double taxation would occur. I had also heard that the Belgian government limits other EU countries to 3 months prior to needing to set up some sort of residency. Regards
Belgium - 1 Answers
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There are a few things I'm missing in order to help you. The length of your stay in Belgium, & wether or not you can have a perminent (or long-term) resident card, depends on which nationality you have. Citizens of a country that signed the Shengen agreement, can move/work/stay in another country that signed the agreement just by declairing they're moving there. If you're a citizen of a EU-15 country that didn't sign it: you'll have to check with the belgium embassy there, what the requirements are. If you're a member of a country that recently was added, you can only work in Belgium if you already have an employer who asks your work permit for you. Your request for residence also depends on it. The other thing is that you need to check with the regional employment office what you should do to keep stay tuned with the rules for brussels: www.actiris.be for flanders: www.vdab.Be (in dutch) you can call if in belgium: (0032) 08003070 for wallonia: www.forem.be The IRS thing isn't true. Belgian IRS has trouble to check belgian declarations, so don't worry about them, we don't. And about the residency, you should check with the belgian embassy in your country or if you're already in Belgium, with your countries embassy here. Hope this helps you...