i found another site that said use your international access code which is 00 and the country code and the city code. how do i dial belgium? it is not working i keep getting error messages and also it rang once forever and her answering machine did not pick up so i do not think it was calling her. i am lost.
Belgium - 2 Answers
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1 :
I knew for sure that Belgium was indeed country code 32, but I didn't know the international dialing code for Afghanistan (not so commonly used :0)) Anyway, http://www.kropla.com/dialcode.htm shows that the Int'l dialing code is correct as 00, One thing that tends to get forgotten is that you have to drop the zero for the local code. So say your number is 016 33 22 xx, then from afghanistan you would dial 00 32 16 33 22 xx Hope this helps
2 :
The country code of Belgium is 32. The acess code (the +) is 00 If you have a telephonenumber in Belgium you must drop the 0. ex. Bruges: 050 51 33 50 (mister Smith) = 50 51 33 50 So when you call from Afghanistan to mister Smith you make 003250513350 Good luck