I worked in Belgium in a clothes shop for 2 months with a contract (onbepaalde duur,deeltijds) for 6 moths trialperiod. The store manage told me today that the have to let me go, so I can't work from monday, becouse the budget of the shop is lower ands they can't affort so many personell so they fired me, couse i was hired there last! Is this done? I hope someone knows Belgian hirement law better. PLEASE HELP!!!
Marketing & Sales - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
you are fired. Belgian law doesn't address this issue.
2 :
Well regardless of the law, if they are not making enough money to afford the staff, what do you expect them to do?!?!?!?!
3 :
Do you really think they owe you work? They gave you a chance at a job and you want to call a lawyer? Did they beat you? Yell at you? Not pay you? Did they demand sex from you? Did they do anything bad to you? IF you had made more money for them than the other employees you would still have a job. Even if you were the last one hired. YOU need to not fail at your next job. Go to school.
4 :
You could continue to work there for free... Nope...your gone
5 :
Your supposed to give employees one chance, however, being on a trial period the dont need a reason to get rid of you. Read the fine print of your contract, it may say something about dismissal, ask for a copy if you dont have it. Go in the store, talk to the manager, ask for a second chance, take a reduced number of hours, whatever your can to keep your foot in the door. If not, take your experience and use it elsewhere.