Hi, Just wondering if there are any sports packages available in Belgium to watch rugby league, as I am really wanting to watch many matches of rugby league when I will be moving in July. Will sky multiroom work over there, could I get a sky subcription or is there a belgium tv package in the country that offer this perhaps? Thanks in Advance
Belgium - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
First of all let me tell you hat rugby in Belgium is a very very minor sport (just like baseball). You will be very lucky to be able to watch some minor leagues games on saturday morning and I don't think you will find packages. The countries to watch rugby are : France (rugby a 11 and rugby a 13), England, Scotland and Ireland. I very much doubt SKY will work here, as the European TV system is completely different from the US one (PAL or SECAM). But the cable distributors offer over 30 to 40 channels and there is something called Eurosat.
2 :
Albert - you never know, maybe he is NOT American (there are other English speakers around you know), but thanks Anyway Fred, I'm in NL not Belgium so I can't answer you about the tv channels on Belgium tv but I know that Sky is used by some Brits in NL, so should work in Belgium as well There is an expat site in NL which is English spoken and expats can ask/answer questions which all tend to be like this. I checked and Belgium also has a version and has the same UK forum. http://forum.expatica.com/UK-Forum-f9.html I did a quick scan and there are two posts related to this (maybe more as I didn't check thoroughly) and if these don't help then you can raise the question there and chances are you will get an answer. http://forum.expatica.com/Software-Sky-Causing-Problems-Sky-systems-t70571.html http://forum.expatica.com/Sky-Digital-Sky-Installations-t51864.html It's a really good site to get info especially when you are new to the country. Good luck
3 :
Hi there, In Belgium you hve 2 cable providers offering package deals, including also sports channels check this out ; http://telenet.be/5/0/1/en/residential.html and http://www.belgacom.be/home/en/jsp/dynamic/homepage.jsp