Saturday, September 1, 2012

How can i contact a neurosurgeon working in Europe and specializing in the neurosurgery for OCD

How can i contact a neurosurgeon working in Europe and specializing in the neurosurgery for OCD?
I've searched in the web but i can't find a neurosurgeon who is willing to give his own email address. Without an email address how am i supposed to contact one. a couple of months ago i sent an email to a neurosurgeon working in Belgium who was the first to report on the use of DBS for intractable OCD, but he never answered me. They say there's hope for us who suffer from intractable OCD but if you can't get in touch with a specialist then how are they going to help you. People are dying out there because surgery is not offered to them and this makes them feel very desperate. Conventional therapy is often not effective for some OCD sufferers. What should we do? Leave them get worse and eventually die? I don't understand this kind of indifference. People think of cancer as the most malignant form of desease ever, but severe mental illness is the most malignant disease you can have. It destroys relationships, careers, knowledge, way of thinking, personality, and finally people end up totally isolated without any sort of self-confidence or hope, loose touch with their past (even worse than loosing touch with the present reality). Some also commit suicide. This is not right. Real mental illness is not a joke! I have heard people abusing with terms inherent to mental illness, and some have even used the term depression fashion. Depression is not a fashion for a depression sufferer, at least if you are not psychotic.
Mental Health - 1 Answers
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The best way to contact a neurosurgeon is to call the hospital he/she is practicing in and leave a message for someone to call you back. You can probably speak to someone in his/her department and leave a message. You would probably also have better luck if your psychiatrist contacted the neurosurgery department on your behalf -- they will answer your doctor faster than they will answer you in a request for information. I really sympathize with you and hope you find relief soon.